

The nature and character of consciousness and memory is; Concepts Threads Clouds Mirrors Vibrations Frequencies. In any order.

Conscious means “to know with”. Knowing along with oneself. Or to know others and thy self. Conscience is the knowing of other’s feelings. To know something besides of you. Indicating a companion. Perhaps many. In ancient times genious meant a companion. A trusted twin that you always could rely on. A mental guardian. There are a multitude of recorded instances, reports of people in dire adventurous circumstanses, fighting cold, starvation, long walks heading back to civilized areas were people have suddenly experienced a guiding real companion, real as anything, guiding them urging them to safety, without them they would have been lost. The nature of consciousness is as we have a multitude of theaters an characters within. Possible scenes of now and the future. We juggle with what there is and what might be possible. To experiance experiance.

Our first mirror.

Electromagnetic radiation permiates througout our brain. Megahertz, Gigahertz, Terahertz inside our brains, meaning that infralight also work within our brain. Frequencies only recently subjected to serious theories about the function of the processes in the brain. At least we know waves flowes out in and out the intire brain.

Adding the newly fresh Orch OR quantum microtubules theories from Hameroff and Penrose. At the moment.

It might change.

To be continued and reiterated…