The Dream


Animal´s first awareness of itself. The world of unseen souls.


The dream talks to us like life does. Jung said that we dream all the time, but during waking hours the dream is so faint we don’t recognize it. The dream merges with our wake experiences, affects our daily deeds and guides us without knowing. It colors our perceptions like the psychological fenomena grooming; preconcieved conceptions that alter our interpretation of what we experience. The dream actually guides us on the basis of what we already know and extrapolates dangers and possible benefits and pleasures. The dream is a guide and an also frivolous play with personal life and the totality of everything. As we don’t understand the nuances we see it as poetry and mystery.

The dream has full acess to symbols, myths and all our memory. It thrives on narrative. Narrative is our interpretation, way of describing what happens to us. Narrative, symbols, myths, concepts, deductions. That’s how we make sense of the world. The dream though don’t give a shit about your political correctness.

Studies of psychedelic experiences gives us a hint of the dream’s influence on our perceptions..

To be continued..

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