Our unconscious is a vast place. • Is it a place? Is it a space? Is it a landscape? Do you imagine it as a library where all your are stored? Is it just a problem finding the right book? Does it even have real dimensions? Can it be percieved as, be as vast as universe as we know it? Our imagination even penetrates in mind beyond the limits of universe, can it not? Our metaphores fail in their pettyness in the face of everything’s unfathomableness. And what about turning the lens the other way around, into the endlessness of the small. From nuclear physics findings it seems that like out of nothingness, the elementary particles creates, bubbles themselfes into being out of shear nothing vacuum.
Indian Hindu cosmology philosophy presents the metaphysical images of Brahman and Atman. Brahman is the total universe, the ultimate reality, timeless infinite formless, the source of everything. Atman is the individual self, the totality of the mind, soul and ego, the innermost unchangable essence of a person. And here comes my favorit part, the outer and inner infinite meet, sort of bends, merges, flowes into each other. The outer universe meets the inner mind in unison in a total threhundredsixty degree mental loop. They are the same.
Do we see the • As it is unconscious to us, it’s true realms are truly undescribable in concepts and words. The question dives more than deep into how the mind ultimatly functions.
But we have clues; we have glimpses, notions, images, feelings, flashes, experiences of daily interactions retrieving memories and getting answers to questions we ask. In some strange way we know that we know all that we know. We have a distinct confident sense that serves us when we demand. But we are also unsure of the real expansion trancending that might be bottomless. What I call the hubris of consciousness can only caption a fragment of the vastness of our unknown.
We believe we think with our consiousness. We do, but not the way generally percieved. Consciousness is more of a command centre, in a sense cut of from immidiate access to it all, also with a veto, intimatly coupled to free will. But not always. In situations of immediate dangerous crisis we find ourselves overtaken by the body’s unknowable actions. Consciousness is no longer trusted by our whole body, thus consciousness loose control. Our all takes command.
Our whole mind, our unconsious is thinking, not just our conscious mind. This is important. But conscious mind thinks it does all the work. We actually think with the whole. The unconscious does all the thinking.
Julian Jaynes claimed that we can function without being aware of ourselves. That’s what animals do. He even claimed that human self consciousness arose late in history. A few millenia before Bc.
Here we come to how it works. Julian Jaynes coined a word “struction”, the word for consciousness asking the unconscious a question, and magically delivering an answer “cast onto the shores of consciousness”, as he puts it. We are constantly asking questions to our unknown not only memories, but also to our real thinker, our totality, our unconsious.
We communicate with the unconscious in three ways. Ask and recieve and vague feelings. 1 Ask: We mostly command or inquire. Give me this or give me that. Give me a memory, I have problem, do you have an answer? 2 Recieve: Much more complicated…. We receive messages from the unconscious in a number of different ways; direct words even heard, sentences, elaborate images, even whole poems or melodies. 3 Vague: Only in diffuse notions or unspoken silent uncomfortable unstabelizing uncertancies we get messages like soft notions or dreams.
Be friends with our unconsious. Trust your gut, trust your third brain, your first brain developed as an embryo, the gut. Trust also your left and right. Trust the whole. Observe your inner: If you’re a part of the universe, you can if needed even make a whole body decision. Learn to listen to your feelings. Make them a part of you.
The body of yours, that is your unconscious, It talks to you not always strait forward. It talkes in many different ways.
The usual talk is the one you’r familiar with. Just ordinary talking and dealing with images situations coming and going. Talking to yourself, are you one or are you two?
The vaster your knowledge, the better answers your intuition gives. Everyone has intuition but more or less grounded.
To be continued..